Does Science Disprove the Existence of God?

Nov 04, 2018

Does Science disprove the existence of God?

It is a misconception that science has proven there is no God. Indeed, science cannot disapprove the existence of God to those who believe, but neither can science prove the existence of God to those who disbelieve. Now, many scientists thinks it can prove that God does not exist, but all it can say that from the small amount of knowledge we have, nothing that we can measure requires an all-omnipotent being to exist – except we have no idea why things are as they are, and we know so little of what is in the universe. Why are the hundreds of constants (gravity, speed of light, etc.) that make up the world are what they are? No one, despite all the talk, has the faintest idea: the best they can do is state that it is “obvious” to them that there must be an infinite number of universes so that our universe just “happens” to be the one universe that has everything just so – that it is stable long enough so that life – whatever ‘life’ is (no, we do not know what causes ‘life’) – can evolve as we know it. There is absolutely no proof of such a concept, but some of potential solutions to the gravity problem suggest this approach, and it has become the “life-saver” for the deniers of God.

I want to be fair, as all scientists are doing what they do because they are awe-struck by the wonders they discover. The beauty of the universe in both its complexity and its simplicity blows their minds, and they struggle to find words that describe the mystifying wonder of the universe.

The language of science is mathematics. The mathematics that are derived in response to the beauty of the universe leaves all scientists struggling to find words that describe what they point to with the mathematical descriptions derived from what they measure.

What science does well is measure some things well, from many angles. Science then derives a math formula based on those measurements, and predicts what other measurements may be when they are measured. Sometimes they modify the equations slightly to match actual measurements to a closer degree. But it requires someone who can see relationships in their imaginations, who can suddenly see inter-relationships that change the whole direction of science, such as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, once they worked out the mathematics to match their imagination, then let measurements prove the mathematics.

What does science know? The best estimate is that we understand fairly well as much as 20% (by the most optimistic of scientist) or as little as 5% (by the pessimist) of our three-dimensional world of matter, the part we see and touch. But matter makes up only 4% of what shapes the universe. Another 23% of the universal forces is called dark matter, and we can measure fairly well the gravitational pull or attraction of what is called dark matter by the interaction and movement of galaxies of stars (it is called dark matter because it does not interact with light or any known electromagnetic force, and has never been detected, except by the observation of the gravitational pull of dark matter). Dark matter has a gravitational pull, and the effect on nearby stars is profound, changing the shapes of galaxies in very fundamental ways – about 6 times what the matter we can see and measure does.

But we have no idea what it is.

Scientists have spent much effort in trying to ‘see’ dark matter, and the scientific community strongly believes we will someday detect it and begin to know a little more, as its effect on the universe and it contains gravity, a force we can measure well.

And what about the other 73%? It has been named ‘dark energy’, and appears to be a constant of the very fabric of space of our universe itself. We know dark energy is a repelling force, and can even give a number as to the strength of it per cubic centimeter. But that is all we know, and most scientist believe that we will never know much more than that. What makes it unique is that it seems to be a part of the fabric of space in the universe, and it repels against itself, causing the universe to expand against the pull of gravity, creating more space as the universe expands, creating more ‘dark energy’ as space increases, causing a slight acceleration to the expanding universe, becoming more and more dominant over time. That is, as the universe expands and creates more volume, the dark energy also increases as it is part of the fabric of the universe as a constant per cubic centimeter. As the volume of space increases, that is, more cubic centimeters are in our universe, more dark energy is contained in the universe, causing increased acceleration, increased volume in space, and more dark energy, thus faster acceleration —–.

I personally find it amusing that many scientists dismiss the possibility of a

God, despite they will admit that they know almost nothing about the universe. They admit knowing nothing, except of course they know that there is no God. This single point is all that they claim to actually “know” for sure.

That is called theology, and it is simply a belief stemming from fundamental precepts, not a scientifically proven fact. It appears to simply boil down to personal belief, no proven facts on either side. And I am fine with that. When I attempt to discuss this with scientists who are atheists, they either throw up their hands and walk away, or they pretend that what I say makes no sense. But deep down they must know they are kidding themselves, and take their misconceptions as their gospel.

In my book, The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness, finding the God that Dwells Within,I approach this from the viewpoint that only if we can accept that there is a force in the universe that is greater than our self, can we begin to approach the thought that maybe, just maybe, this greater force can be considered the source of the universe, and I can trust that force to only want good for me, its most profound creation (consciousness, that separates us from all else in the universe). True joy and happiness stems from our unification with the power of love, and that power I call God. For God is love, and total love is God, with all love being a part of that I call God.

If you would like to read much more about this topic, I recommend the book Why Science Does Not Disprove God, by Amir D. Aczel, a renowned science writer.


Oh spirit of Love, I find myself lost on the bliss of life and love over and over again, more frequently as I grow older. I find this unspeakable sensation to have no physical source, and just exists as a constant awareness all through my being. This sensation colors all I see, and forms the background to all of life. I ask only that I be able to share this love with all who connect with me, and that all find a little more love in their life as your being, love, is given to all. I see now that as my life eases towards its conclusion here in this three-dimensional universe, all is love, manifest in the here and now. I am grateful for this sense of presence, and ask only that I continue to be able share this magnificence with all of life.

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