12 Steps to Joy (7)

Jun 03, 2018

12 Steps to Joy (7)

The Word of Creation (3)

            In the beginning the Word already existed.

                        The Word was with God,

                        And the Word was God.

            The Word existed in the beginning with God.

            God created everything through the Word,

                        And nothing was created except through the Word.

            The Word gave life to everything that was created,

                        And the life of the Word brought light to everyone.

            The light shines in the darkness,

                        And the darkness can never extinguish it.”

                                                                        John 1:1-5.


            God created everything through the Word,

                        And nothing was created except through the Word.


God is Love

You see, faith in God is not just faith to believe in spiritual ideas. It’s to have confidence in Love itself. It’s to have confidence in reality itself. At it’s core, reality is okay. God is in it. God is revealed in all things.” (Richard Rohr.)

I have been talking about the science of quantum physics, light, and matter, but I have not mention that most pervasive force that we all feel all the time – gravity.

There are four main forces in nature that hold the universe together. These are the electromagnetic force, the strong force, the weak force, and gravity. These forces hold everything we see and know about in the universe in the proper order. The strongest of these forces is the electromagnetic, which has incredible strength, and gives us lightning, friction, rainbows, television, and electricity, among many things. But it is a balanced system, consisting of the counter forces of electrons and protons, and cancel out in a galaxy.

The strong and weak forces operate within the boundaries of molecules, provide the glue that makes matter possible, these forces are very strong, as shown by the energy released when they are broken in the nuclear reaction devices that provide power or create so much havoc. These forces are not seen beyond the atom, as while very large, are self-contained in a balancing act.

But gravity. That spooky extremely weak force (many orders of magnitude (powers of 10) less than the ‘weak’ force) that controls all in the universe. Gravity is only attractive, and all of matter contains and originates (based on the mass of matter) this weak attractive force. This has caused the free atoms that resulted from the big bang to start to clump together to from larger and larger clumps, eventually resulting in such high pressure that they started to burn, and actually to break down the atoms, and release all the energy inside. This heat traveled up through the mass and made the surface intensely hot, creating stars and our sun.

All this because of a constant weak force that never leaves, and is a function that pulls all towards a common source, the center of mass of the group – a planetary group, a stellar group, a galaxy, a universe.

And you and I.

That force that permeates the entire universe was finally described by Einstein in his theory of general relativity. Gravity affects everything, even time, and is believed to be the very source of time and space in our universe. “The General Theory of Relativity”, as Einstein call his 1915 paper, has been called the “most beautiful of theories” by the Russian physicist Lev Landau. The general theory of relativity is not a treatise about gravity, it defines gravity in a very unique way. The wave theories of the electromagnetic space were well known, and that is the medium wherein things like radio and television waves travel, and most figured that gravity was similar in that it was a wave that traveled throughout space that affected everything.

But Einstein had a brilliant insight that explains all the puzzling aspects of space that had been noted over the years: Gravity is not a wave within space, gravity is space itself.When we hear talk of ‘space-time’, we are talking of gravity, containing all of space and time. Thus when we read about the gravity ripples that were recorded a few years ago from a collision of two neutron stars, the ripples were in the very fabric of our universe, in the media of both space and time. Gravity is known to be curved, and it is space itself that is curved, and it is this curved body that reflected the collision of two massive objects billions of years ago, whose ripples in space and time were just seen here on earth.

There are many profound things to say about this aspect of the universe, and every experiment devised to ‘disprove’ the concept has gone on to prove the concept itself.

To summarize: we live in gravity, all of the universe exists in the attractive force called gravity, where everything that exists rests its existence because of gravity.

From the aspect of God, from the initial quote above: “nothing was created except through the Word”(John 1). Gravity itself is part and parcel of God. How perfect is that power: gravity, that all attractive force (Love?) that creates all that exists in the universe, is the visible force of Love and Life that allowed and created all that exists, including you and I. It seems astounding that the very force that makes the universe possible, gravity, seems to be the very reflection of the Word that John started off what we call “the Gospel according to St. John”.

We will continue this discussion next week.


Creative Spirit, I rest in Your power and gentleness. You have shown yourself to be the source of the universe, the cause of the universe in its simplicity and complexity. At the same time, just like the force of gravity that permeates everything in all ways, You exist in all things and fully in all ways. I rest my being in your gentle force, and You keep me safe from all harm, so I can rest in joy and peace right now.



We are bound in the music of life where we dance and weave within that glorious melody, or what some call God. Now, God has said that we are the very image of God (Genesis 1:27), and as images of God, we have the inborn ability to have Joy and Happiness forever present in our life. The author, David L. Peters, is an octogenarian whose life has always been filled with joy, regardless of outward appearances. The wonders of the Kingdom of Heaven is everyone’s birthright, if you know how to let your Creator and the Universe enter your spirit. Jesus put it succinctly: “The Kingdom of God lies within” (Luke 17:21). The Kingdom of God, Paradise, Heaven: these lie within you, right now, waiting for you to only turn and see, and join in the dance. Paradise is right within us, but how do we unlock the door to this wonder of joy? This book lays a path open that the author has followed for almost 80 years, starting as a young boy in rural Ohio, and it operates as advertised. No matter how things look in life, how bad it seems, all one need do is look deeper within and find the joy that can fill life: life is good! The life of abundant joy and happiness is yours for the asking. Dip your toe in the living waters, and taste the Beauty of God that is awaiting.

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My God has led me on an 80 year jaunt to ever more wondrous beauty. I am led to share this journey and gifts of God that have been showered upon me, not just for me but for whoever God brings into my path.

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