Living in Unconditional Love (172)

Jun 23, 2024

Living in Unconditional Love (172)


“Love flows from God to humans without effort:

As a bird glides through the air without moving its wings-

Thus, they go wherever they wish united in body and soul,

Yet separate in form.”

–Mechtild of Magdeburg


My wife Eileen died from esophageal cancer in February 2020 one year after being diagnosed, 60 years after we met on Long Island. Then my brother Tom became ill (not COVID), and I spent a total of six weeks being with him in Ohio, but he died in October 2020. My sister-in-law Sue Mahoney died from Covid-19 in January 2021. On top of it all stood the pandemic, locking everyone down almost two years. Covid has proved to be a persistent problem, and many of the long-term effects are quite serious, and it has proven much more serious than flu.

06/23/2024                                                    It seems as if my cough has left, as I have coughed only once each day for the past two days, so I consider it gone, even though I am still tired all the time. Hopefully I will regain my stamina as time goes on, but I still slept most of the day today (Saturday). (Sunday) I overslept this morning and did not make it to Mass. I guess I am still a bit over-tired.

It has been quite warm this past week, even though we have had evening showers the past two days. We could use the rain as things have tended to dry out with the heat. My lilies are starting to bloom, and I love the colors – red and orange at the moment. The daylilies are also starting, and they are breathtaking in the colors as I have many different varieties. I have not felt like I could wonder the gardens this past week with my illness and the heat, and I hope I am able to be out in their beauty this coming week. Weeds have been pulled and all looks beautiful. My son Tim mowed the lawn this week once more and everything looks great.

The bonsai need pruning, but it has been too hot to be outside during this time. I hope the heat will moderate enough and I will gain strength to permit me to go out and work on them soon.

The heat has also prevented the work on my back concrete patio from starting, but I hope that will be alleviated soon.

The longest day of the year was quite warm and sunny, and it was beautiful to see from the AC house. I was starting to feel better it was a good day.

As you can tell, this has been a slow week, so I will close it for now. I hope all have a good summer as the seasons roll on.



Gentle One, I am thankful for the easing of the cough that has debilitated me over the past month and more. I look with wonder at the beauty of the season and am grateful for all that I see. You have filled my life with beauty and wonder with each season of life producing a different series of wonder. I am grateful for the ever-changing seasons of life.

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My God has led me on an 80 year jaunt to ever more wondrous beauty. I am led to share this journey and gifts of God that have been showered upon me, not just for me but for whoever God brings into my path.

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